You have been touched by the story of the Nkunga Mbala family? You would like to get involved in supporting asylum seekers?
Find out how you can take concrete action today to welcome asylum seekers to Canada with dignity!
I sign the collective letter of support to support the Nkunga Mbala family’s application for permanent residency on humanitarian and compassionate grounds
Fleeing political repression in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Nkunga Mbala family made their way along a treacherous route to Canada in 2018. Their asylum claim and appeal were refused, exposing them to the risk of deportation, despite their exemplary integration and essential work for Canadian society.
Sign the letter of support to support the Nkunga Mbala family’s application for permanent residency on humanitarian and compassionate grounds so they can stay in Canada permanently
I support the campaign “Le Canada viole le droit à l'asile” of Amnistie Internationale
On Saturday, March 25, 2023, the Canadian government announced the closing of Roxham Road, which allowed thousands of people to seek Canada’s protection, by extending the Safe Third Country Agreement to the entire Canada-U.S. border.
This decision violates refugees’ rights to equality, and life, liberty and security of the person under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and goes against Canada’s international obligations. It is a fundamental right for all human beings to be able to seek safety in another country when they face persecution. The tightening of borders forces people to take more dangerous routes to reach the countries where they seek protection. Wherever borders are closed, lives are sacrificed.
Call on the Prime Minister, the Minister of Public Safety and the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship to respect the right to seek asylum, rescind the irresponsible March 25 decision and remove Canada from the Safe Third Country Agreement!
Sign the petition “PROTECT THE HUMAN RIGHTS OF MIGRANTS” of Amnistie Internationale
Because of their precarious or non-existent migration status, migrants are vulnerable to exploitation and are unable to exercise and enjoy all their human rights, particularly their economic and social rights, which are often violated.
They must no longer be left in a situation of vulnerability and precariousness for administrative reasons. Regularization is the best way to protect their rights, while recognizing their contribution to our society and our economy.
Take action and call on federal and provincial immigration ministers to implement a regularization program that is as inclusive as possible.
I support the campaign “Status for all” of Solidarity across borders
Please write, call, or visit all Federal Cabinet Ministers in Quebec to ask them to support an uncapped regularisation program which gives permanent resident status (not just a work permit) to all undocumented migrants without any exception or discrimination and to immediately put an end to deportations and detentions.

Action Réfugiés Montréal is a strong voice for refugeed people in Montréal and beyond.
They seek justice for asylum-seekers and refugeed people. They promote partnerships among refugeed people, faith communities and society at large for mutual empowerment. Through their programs, they provide hope and assistance while raising awareness of refugeed people rights.

Welcome Collective is an organization whose core mission is to mobilize Montreal’s local community to provide immediate help to the city’s most precarious refugee claimants.
Welcome Collective seeks volunteers, donations of furniture and housewares to welcome asylum-seeking families to Montreal with dignity.

Foyer du Monde accommodates and supports families, couples and single women, asylum seekers and refugees of all origins and all faiths in their settlement procedures, on referral from organizations working with migrants. The mission of Foyer du Monde is fully supported by volunteers and donors.
Foyer du Monde depends on your donations: whatever amount you give, it will enable the organization to help the residents it cares for, and give them the tools and a helping hand they need to rebuild their lives.

Le Centre Social d’aide aux immigrants (CSAI) is an independent non-profit organization dedicated to welcoming government-assisted immigrants and refugees.
The organization supports them in their integration and active participation in the welcoming society, by promoting associative life and intercommunity and intercultural relations.
Refugee Claimant Donations Montréal

Refugee Claimant Donations Montréal is a group to help refugees and asylum seekers upon arrival in Montreal. It allows you to donate objects or services from one individual to another.

Solidarity Across Borders is a migrant justice network based in Montreal, active since 2003. I We are comprised of migrants and supporters, and we organize together to support individuals and families who are confronting an unjust immigration and refugee system.